Ariana Ziegler Rugs

Hand-knotted using pure wool, these genuine Oriental rugs feature charming designs with flower and leaf patterns in a harmoniously balanced range of earth tones.

Ariana Ziegler Rugs

Handpicked From Around The World

Shop Ariana Ziegler rugs at - Ireland's largest supplier of Persian and Oriental rugs.

Place a unique piece of art in your home with an Ariana Ziegler rug.

Incredibly durable, this rug is perfect for placement under furniture, such as dining tables and sofas. Read our ultimate guide to Persian and Oriental rugs for everything you need to know about these traditional, handmade rugs.

Our knowledgeable team are always on hand to help you find the perfect piece for your interior. Simply contact us online or visit our rug shop in Cork, Ireland. You can now use our rug placement tool to help you visualise what each rug will look like in your space.

Enjoy free delivery throughout Ireland with extensive collection of rugs available for next day delivery.